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If you would like a printed version of the voucher, you can order it directly at our reception or simply by sending an email to raj@rajzdravia.sk. After confirming your order, we will prepare the voucher for you to pick up in person at our address from Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM.

Abhyanga (60 min) - Full-Body Oil Massage

Abhyanga, derived from the words "Abhi" (toward) and "Anga" (movement), is one of the most popular Ayurvedic massages. It involves the use of medicinal oil massaged over the entire body with light, smooth, and gentle movements. This oil application and gentle massage stimulate sensory receptors, providing deep relaxation and immense healing effects throughout the body by allowing the oil to be absorbed through the skin. It nourishes and energizes the body, slows the aging process, and can be compared to the feeling of being loved.

Main Benefits of Abhyanga:

  • Slows the aging process
  • Improves sleep, reduces fatigue, and has a calming effect
  • Nourishes all tissues in the body, improves digestion, and enhances flexibility
  • Improves vision

Pada Abhyanga (30 min) - Foot Massage

Pada Abhyanga, derived from the words "Pada" (foot) and "Abhyanga" (oil massage), is performed using warm herbal oil to massage the lower limbs and feet, stimulating marma points. It has excellent calming effects, revitalizes, and balances various disorders of the autonomic nervous system. According to Ayurveda, foot massage is an important daily ritual, especially recommended before sleep as it helps release negative emotions and relieve stress. It is also highly beneficial in the morning on an empty stomach, offering numerous other positive effects on both mind and body.

Main Benefits of Pada Abhyanga:

  • Relieves tired and exhausted feet
  • Reduces muscle stiffness and helps with limited mobility issues
  • Prevents leg cramps and treats various deformities
  • Hydrates and nourishes the stressed skin of the feet and heals cracks on the soles
  • Improves vision and acts as a preventive measure against various diseases

Mukha Abhyanga (30 min) - Natural Relaxing Face "Lifting"

Mukha Abhyanga, derived from the words "Mukha" (face) and "Abhyanga" (oil massage), is a highly effective Ayurvedic massage that reduces signs of skin aging. Using herbal oil or medicinal cream, it gently massages and stimulates marma points on the face, improving blood and lymph flow. This massage deeply relaxes and rejuvenates the face, including the forehead, around the eyes, nose, and mouth, and reduces tension in the shoulders and neck. The healing substances in the oil or cream act as a natural "lifting," making the skin supple, radiant, and youthful.

Main Benefits of Mukha Abhyanga:

  • Stimulates and improves blood circulation
  • Enhances skin quality, giving it a radiant appearance
  • Has detoxifying effects and rejuvenates the skin
  • Helps reduce wrinkles and relax muscles

Terms of Use
The mentioned service is recommended. The gift voucher can be used once and also for other services within RAJ zdravia. The validity of the coupon is 180 days from issuance.

Coupon Usage Instructions
After purchasing and paying for the coupon, we will issue an electronic voucher, which will be sent to your email address. The voucher becomes valid from the moment the payment is received in the RAJ zdravia account. The coupon contains an identifier and a unique numerical code, which are necessary when making a reservation and using the gift voucher.

The voucher cannot be refunded or canceled. The voucher can also be printed in color and given as a gift.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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99 € / poukaz
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